This Article Has Been Medically Approved By

Dr. George H. Sanders

Women choose to get liposuction for many different reasons. For some, the incentive is to eliminate stubborn deposits of fat and skin. For others, it may be to feel more confident wearing a bikini. Still, others are hoping to drop a dress size or two.

If you fall into this third category, it is important to consider the real, practical effects of liposuction on your silhouette. During your initial consultation, Dr. Sanders will provide you with clear expectations about the kinds of liposuction results you can expect. In the meantime, here are some general principles about liposuction and its impact on dress size.

Liposuction and Your Silhouette

Liposuction is one of the most common and popular plastic surgery procedures in the United States. Its primary purpose is to eliminate areas of stubborn fat and tissue that you cannot address via diet and exercise alone. Depending on your needs and aesthetic goals, liposuction may be targeted to your love handles, upper back, arms, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, or elsewhere.

Depending on where you carry your excess fat, liposuction may affect your silhouette in a way that reduces your dress size, in some cases two dress sizes. Your surgeon will be able to provide a more personalized assessment during your initial consultation.

Liposuction is Not for Weight Loss

It is important to remember that liposuction is intended to address particular deposits of fat, not necessarily to help you reduce your overall body weight. In fact, we generally tell patients who simply want to lose weight that they are not the ideal candidates for liposuction.

While liposuction can potentially help you drop a dress size by removing localized fat deposits, it is not a substitute for a healthy weight loss plan. If you are already obese or well over your target body weight, these weight loss results are unlikely to be significant. It is much better to seek liposuction as a way of contouring your body once you have reached your ideal weight.

The Best Candidates for Liposuction

There are several factors to keep in mind as you consider whether you are a good candidate for a safe, successful liposuction procedure. Ideal candidates:

  • Have spoken with their surgeon and have clear, realistic expectations about what liposuction can (and cannot) achieve.
  • Are in good health overall, without underlying conditions that might impede their ability to heal.
  • Have good skin elasticity.
  • Do not smoke or are willing to give up tobacco products for two weeks before and two weeks after.
  • Have the time to rest and recover at home for about a week, and to avoid vigorous exercise and heavy lifting for a full month.

The best way to learn more about your eligibility for liposuction is to meet with Dr. Sanders in person and discuss your goals.

Schedule a Liposuction Consultation Today

For close to four decades, Dr. George H. Sanders has been a trusted plastic surgeon, providing the highest standards of care to patients throughout Los Angeles. To find out more about your candidacy for a safe, successful procedure, contact our practice at (818) 981-3333.