This Article Has Been Medically Approved By

Dr. George H. Sanders

Brunette female touching her neckUnfortunately, San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles women are not always happy with the results of their breast implant procedure. This can happen for many reasons and does not always indicate a problem with the implants or the surgeon they chose for the procedure. For example, women may want to get rid of their implants because:

  • The implants are not as large as they had hoped.
  • The implants do not show enough fullness at the upper part of the breast.
  • The implants are too large for the woman’s frame.

Of course, there are also medical reasons to have breast implants removed. Some women do experience capsular contracture, which is a painful condition in which too much scar tissue starts to develop around the implant.

Dr Sanders in Chair Mobile BannerShould you have further questions, please feel free to contact my office.

George Sanders, M.D.