This Article Has Been Medically Approved By

Dr. George H. Sanders

Wearing a bra to bed with breast implants With the time and financial commitment of breast augmentation, it’s no surprise that patients are careful after surgery and protective over their enhanced breasts. Dr. George Sanders, a plastic surgeon in the Los Angeles area, receives a number of questions about post-operative care. Many patients have asked whether it is a good idea to wear a bra to bed after breast augmentation surgery. Here, Dr. Sanders addresses the question and answer in more detail.

At First: Yes

Upon awaking from breast augmentation, the patient is wrapped in a soft dressing that stays on for 24 hours. The dressing is then replaced with a soft bra that the patient wears for two weeks. The bra may be removed for showering or bathing.

After two weeks, the patient is able to transition to a bra of their choosing. If the incision was made in the crease beneath the breast, the patient should avoid underwire bras for three months to prevent irritation of the incision. As far as wearing the bra to bed at night, that is optional. If the patient has undergone a reshaping of an existing scar tissue pocket at the time of the breast surgery, however, we advise that the bra be worn for six weeks at night while sleeping.

As Time Goes By: No

After six weeks, patients are free to wear a bra at night if they desire. Many patients who have selected large implants prefer a bra for comfort.

Dr. Sanders suggests that patients avoid sleeping on their stomachs since that may stretch the scar tissue pocket surrounding the implant; if that happens, the implants could fall to the side when the patient lies on her back or, in some cases, even when she is standing.

Keep in mind that every case is different, and Dr. Sanders’ timeline recommendations may vary slightly. He may advise you to wear your surgical or sports bra a little longer than your sister or neighbor. You should always default to his suggestions and feel free to ask questions if something seems unclear.

Contact Dr. George Sanders

If you have questions about breast implants or breast augmentation recovery, Dr. Sanders would be happy to hear from you. Please call (818) 981-3333 today to speak with the doctor.